The LEIR Accelerator


Basic Geometry

The position and the basic shape of LEIR is fixed by the fact that LEIR recycles the LEAR (Low Energy Accumulating Ring) bending blocks at their original position

It has an almost “square” geometry, ~ 80 m in circumference, with four bending sections, each one deflecting the beam by 90° and four straight sections, each one with a total length of about 12.8 m

LEIR Ring Layout

LEIR Components

The four section of LEIR are composed of:

4 Main bending magnets

4 Triplets

4 Trim Quadrupoles

4 Doublets

8 Chromatic Sextupoles

2 Harmonic Sextupoles

3 Extraction Kickers

1 Electrostatic and 2 Magnetostatic Septa Magnets

An Electron Cooler

2 Finemet RF cavaties (Of which one cavity is used as spare, alternating each year)


LEIR Instrumentation

Several instrumentation devices, including :

4 Schottky,

16 BPM,

2 IPMs,

1 Beam Screen (BTV)

2 Beam Current Transformer (BCT)

1 Wide band transverse feed back


LEIR Operational Cycle: 1 Injection

LEIR Single Injection Cycle: EARLY


LEIR Operational Cycle: 7 Injections

LEIR 7 Injection Cycle : NOMINAL