Latest news:

NA61/SHINE control room number: 76763

Beam momentum in 2017: 

Momentum per nucleon (GeV/c) 13 19 30 40 75 150
Momentum per charge (GeV/c) = proton equivalent 31.06 45.39 71.67 95.56 179.17 358.33
  Ongoing Done Done Done Done Done

Program in 2017 (click on this link to access the program for the 8 weeks)

Examples of NA61 spill

Spill for Xe 2017 on 26.10.2017 after increasing chromaticity to -1.24 (without flipping octupoles) ==> less influence of the 50 Hz

Spill Xe 26.02.2017


Spill for Xe 2017 on 25.10.2017 after working the tune such we get extraction up to the end of the cycle, and putting in place the bunch rotation

Spil Xe 25.022017


Spill for Xe 2017 on 23.10.2017

Spill Xe 23.10.2017


Spill for Xe 2017 on 24.10.2017

Spill Xe 24.10.2017


Spill for protons

Spill Protons

Spill for Argon

Spill Argon


Spill for Pb

Spill Pb