This page lists a series of diagnostics that can be used to aid in the operation of LEIR.
Diagnostic of faults:
If the beam is injected and circulates but it is not accelerated could be due to: RF trip or b_train crate trip
- If the RF trip: RF faults diagnostics (pdf download)
- If the b_train create trip: check in DIAMON the status of the front-end "dleibgen", it it is RED check which service is down and re-start, if does not help, reboot the crate.
If the beam is injected but the intensity starts to decay with time during the injection plateau:
- E-cooler: electron current not nominal this fault does not show any status fault in the e-cooler system!! (pdf e-cooler current guide download)
- E-cooler system trip: open the LEIR Status Inspector application, check if any of the e-cooler status box is red. You can also open the e-cooler inspector application. Try to restart the e-cooler by executing the LEIR Sequence to power on the e-cooler (accesible through the quick launch panel QLP, tab ==> ecooler). If does not work, call the e-cooler expert.