LEIR Mandate and Organisation
"The LEIR operations team is responsible for providing ions for the LHC Ion Physics runs as well as the North Area fixed target experiments."
LEIR has two main periods during its 8-9 month yearly operations run. These are machine setup/development which is it's longest period and then LHC Physics at the end of the yearly run.
In both of these two periods the operation of LEIR differs greatly.
During the initial set-up and then machine development period, LEIR physics runs only during the working week. The control of the accelerator falls mainly under the responsibility of the machine physicists and their fellows. In case of need, the SPS operations team helps out as and when possible. Support from the various equipment groups concerned with the accelerators is on a "best effort" case, due to responsibilities covering the other CERN accelerators
During it's "dedicated" LHC physics run the machine provides beam 24/7, with a dedicated machine supervisor and full dedicated support from all the concerned equipment groups.
During the working week the accelerator is run by the machine physicist, the machine supervisor and their fellows. Outside of working hours and during the weekend it is the SPS operations group which run the machine.
LEIR Operations Team : Run 3
The LEIR operations team consists of a number of equipment specialists, machine physicists and fellows.
During the Machine development period they play a vital role in ensuring the "smooth" operation of the accelerator and in fine tuning the accelerator and all its many functions so that we are capable of providing the best quality beams for all of the client experiments (LHC, SPS NA)
The current (Run 3) team consists of members from multiple different groups within the Beams (BE) Department of CERN.
These include:
Operations (OP)
Beam Instrumentation (BI)
Radio Frequency (RF)
Accelerator and Beam Physics (ABP)
The Run 3 LEIR team are:
The LEIR Supervisor rota can be found on the planning page here (CERN internal use only)